After a savage game of Paper Airplanes, the players bumped the prize fund up by £20 to £49.00 (Comrade Nick admirably turned down the offer of £10 cash to add the £20 to the prize fund).
Comrade Afiya won a bullet proof vest and cannot be killed next week.
In the first game the players had an opportunity to add £65 to the prize fund guessing a series of TV and Film Themes. £5 for a correct answer. -£2 for a wrong answer. They added a total of £17. In the second game, guess the film title from a series of icons, the players added to the price fund £12 out of a possible £50.
The Theatre Ticket prize fund currently stands at £29
There was no vote for the Mafia in Week One, but one participant, Comrade Nikolai, spent the weekend in Jail.
Comrade Susie was killed. Comrade Louis was assassinated.
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